About us

About College

Technical education in India contributes a major share to the overall education system and plays a vital role in the socio-economic and over all development of our nation. Technical Education is instrumental in making the remarkable contribution to economic growth of our nation by way of required manpower production according to the needs of the Industry, Society and the Global World as a whole.

The long awaited and strongly felt need of an Engineering and Technical Institute among the large number of youth of Purnea and the surrounding districts got quenched with the establishment of Millia Institute of Technology, under the aegis of Millia Educational Trust in the year 1989. It is a milestone and significant, in the extensive journey of Millia Educational Trust.

Millia Institute of Technology (MIT) has established with the sole objective of producing skilled and professional manpower those are prepared and trained as per the need and demand of the industries and are able to take up the challenges of the industries and organizations of their preference and interests.

MIT offers various undergraduate and post graduate courses. The large stretches of MIT campus are covered by greenery. The Eco-friendly practices and education are combined to promote sustainable development. MIT campus consists of administrative and academic building, workshop, Library and residential area accommodation for students and staff and other general amenities such as canteen and sports area with vast expand of open area. Our development plan includes providing state-of-the-art teaching-learning environment, strengthen learning outcomes, customization of curriculums and per industry needs, employability of the graduates, encouragement towards On-the-job training and Apprenticeship, research and publications, faculty and staff development, enhanced interaction with Industry, academic support for the under achievers.

MIT, Purnea is approved by AICTE, Permanently affiliated to Purnea University, Purnea and recognized by Government of Bihar.
